Sunday, February 22, 2015

I suck at all forms of journal keeping

It has been way too long since my last post. I was sitting in church today when someone brought up writing in your journal, and of course I instantly felt super guilty because I haven't written in a physical, old-fashioned, pen and paper style journal in probably 5-6 years. I have sort of kept a record of my life through this blog, but I hardly ever post (clearly) and it's never very detailed or personal for my future descendants to fully understand my life (not like I think they will care that much, but still, it's been counseled by the prophets so I can't argue). So here is my attempt to get back into journaling!! Woot!

Well, I am pregnant again and this time it's a girl!! I had begun to get a little discouraged because it took a while longer than it did with Ender (who literally was conceived a week or two after I threw the pill away lol). But it finally happened and she will be here around the end of April. :)

Ender is obsessed with my baby bump, it is adorable! I am 30 weeks right now, almost 31, and for the past few months (especially the last two) he has been constantly babbling about babies and the baby in mommy's belly, and how we go bye bye to see the baby (aka Doc visits). He insists on pulling up my shirt whenever he gets the chance to lay his head against my belly (though he also insists on leaving my garment top down; I think he likes the feeling of the material) and then he will kiss it over and over and rub and scratch it. Sometimes ita super annoying hahaha.

I am very excited about this little girl growing so fast inside me! I love to feel her increasingly stronger kicks and punches. She seems to favor my right upper side, though of course at this point I feel her everywhere! We have been struggling trying to find the perfect name for her, but so far nothing seems to click. I am so afraid of having to rush and pick a name at the hospital! So far Josh likes Jasnah and Siri the best, and sometimes Ashton. I have been stuck on R names like Rowan, Raina, Rachel, and Rylan. I also like Alma and Lily. Gah! I want to have a name for her!!
It's so strange to think that we are having another baby. Just like when I was pregnant with Ender, I know there's a baby growing inside me, but it's still weird if think about it too much.  It's equally strange thinking about how different my life will be after she is born, just like it changed so much after we had Ender. But Ender has been the biggest blessing of my life, so I know having this sweet little girl will just bring more!

We just found out that we will be moving to Dallas (specifically Lewisville), Texas this summer to sell for a pest control company called Alterra. So, it looks like this little nameless babe will be born in Texas, since we are moving around April 10th and she is due on the 28th! We are very excited to be closer to my mom's side of the family (who live in Dallas) and to explore a new area of the country! I am also very thrilled about thw heat, although I know I will probably hate it my mid May. :) 

So, there's my quick, super inadequate update of our lives! I really am going to try harder to write more often, I swear. :) sorry there aren't any pictures!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Halloween, Another Move, and First Thanksgiving Alone!

HALLOWEEN!!!!  Who doesn't love this holiday?  Well, I guess I love most holidays because they always involve lots of family time and treats.  But Halloween holds a special place because not only do I get an excuse to eat sweets, but I get to dress up, carve pumpkins, and I love the fall decor!  So this year I made sure to try and do lots of fun things to make it memorable.

We decided to all be ninjas since they are super awesome and really cheap to do. (Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of all three of us together in our costumes, which made me really sad).  My friend Jackie did my make-up and fake tattoos and we bought Ender a cheap wal-mart ninja suit. We went to a little carnival that had the headless horseman riding around and a straw maze that had a random camel just chillin.  On Halloween morning I made pancakes shaped like pumpkins, and that night we went to the Trunk-Or-Treat that our apartment complex hosted.  The food was delicious even though it rained a little bit. :)


      So that was a fun Halloween!  After Ender went to bed, we watched a "The Fourth Kind" with our friends Greg and Jackie, which ended up not being very scary at all (much to Josh's disappoint and my happiness :)

Moving AGAIN? Why, yes,  of course we have moved again! And just a heads up, we will be moving in April as well, but that one will be a lot further in distance.  The most recent move was only across town to an apartment that costs less and is newer/nicer, so we were excited about it, even though it was a pain.  Ender quite enjoyed the new shelving area in our room.
Wearing my shirt

Speaking of the cute child, he is getting so grown up and just more and more adorable every day!  We are so blessed to have just a goofy, snuggly, lil' firecracker full of energy in our lives.  He makes everything more fun and hilarious and brings such a light into our little family.
Throwing laundry everywhere :)

Taking a break

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun as well, although a lot more work then I anticipated! The turkey was actually my favorite part, and the easiest to prepare.  It was all the annoying side dishes that took forever!  I made blackberry pie and brownie trifle the day before, and Josh brought home a pumpkin pie from work.  The turkey got just a tad overdone on top, but Josh claimed he still liked it. :) So overall, it was exhausting but definitely worth it!



Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall 2013 in Rexburg, Idaho

Here we are back in lovely (cough) Rexburg for the next two semesters!  We had one week of great weather when we first arrived, and it has only gotten hotter and hotter.  (You all know that is the biggest lie ever told).

Despite the chilling temperatures, Josh, Ender and I have been exploring the local parks and straw mazes.  At least six times a day, Ender will saunter to the front door, bang on it until he has our attention, and proceed to babble and point outside.  If we ignore his obvious desires (like on particularly freezing, windy days), he will throw himself on the floor and complain very loudly.  I love the fact that he likes the outdoors so much already!

So anyway, we have been enjoying ourselves quite a bit. Date nights include Ben and Jerry's and Big Bang Theory, Josh is participating in our ward soccer team and loves it, and I have been loving my New Testament class.

We finally cut Ender's hair on September 19th.  Well, Josh actually cut off his bottom curls the night before while he took a bath, so the next day I buzzed it all off since it was uneven and I have no idea how to cut hair.
I love his face in this picture...It's like he knows I don't know what I'm doing!

Chilling naked at the playground.

Just lounging
The only new thing that I can think of, (besides the move) is how much Ender loves giving us kisses.  He'll pucker his lips and make kissing sounds until we kiss him.  It's so cute!  I hope he doesn't grow out of it for a while.

And that's about it! Sorry the update took so long!  Love and miss you all!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ender is WALKING!!! (For real this time :)

I love my active boy. 

Everyone told me that although it's exciting when babies start crawling and walking, it gets old because they get into everything.  It definitely has NOT gotten old.  In fact, I am having the the most fun with Ender that I've ever had.  We have a blast playing Hide and Seek and chasing each other around the furniture!

He began standing up by himself (without support of a chair or anything, just his thunder thighs :) about 2-ish weeks ago, and since then was taking wobbly steps before falling.  As everyone who has met Ender knows, he is one stubborn kid. Every time he fell, he would crawl a few paces and then try again.  So now today, he is officially walking!  The last few days he was still practicing but today he walked everywhere, any time he could.  And it is so much fun.  

Whitney Girls at the beach :D (with little boys inter-mixed)
Anyway, besides that, the Cunningham family has had an eventful last few weeks.  Ender and I flew to Galveston, Texas for a family reunion and loved seeing everyone.  Ender was sort of a crab the whole time, but we still had fun!  However, Josh's appendix decided that while I was gone would be the perfect time to attempt to explode.  So Josh called me Sunday morning and told me he was going to urgent care to see what was up with his stomach pain.  He got diagnosed with appendicitis and sent to the ER for a quick surgery to take it out before it burst.  I wasn't supposed to fly home till Tuesday, but I was able to change my ticket and got home Sunday night.  I was so sad that I missed his surgery, (seriously, the ONE time he really needs me for an emergency and I'm gone, what are the odds?), but luckily, his little brother Isaac was there to take care of him.  And then I got to enjoy a whole week with him home recovering. :D 

Here are a few pictures:

I love this picture.  The three lil' cousins had fun together :D
We toured NASA in Houston

Ender finally let Camilla hold him!

I love my boys!

Oh yeah, I also cut off all my hair while I was vacationing in Galveston. :D  I've been wanting to get a pixie cut for years but never had the guts till now!

We are about to move back to Rexburg, ID (again) for fall semester, and I am surprised to find myself excited.  I guess Rexburg has begun to grow on me :D I have always liked the small-town feel, just not TOO small.  Rexburg is a bit small, Raleigh a bit HUGE, so maybe someday we'll find the right size :D

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Myrtle Beach Trip - July 6, 2013 and Ender is 11 months old

First of all, ENDER IS WALKING!!!!  Well...kind of...hahah, he sure tries!!  All day today and yesterday, he will stand up on his own without any support, and take a few steps before falling down. He is doing this non stop, and it is adorable! He turns 11 months in about a week, which is so crazy to me, because I feel like he just got here, and at the same time, that he's been with us forever.  It's kind of the same with marriage.  You feel like you just got married, but also that you've been married forever. I guess it just means we like each other a lot :D

So, I was really nervous to go on an overnighter with Ender for the first time since he's been "sleep-trained," but it actually went really well.  I expected the trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to be stressful and exhausting, but it was quite the opposite.  Josh and I had such a relaxing and enjoyable time, and it was so much fun!

We arrived at around 10 am and spent the day at the beach, at a few restaurants, and relaxing in the beachside hotel room.  Ender actually slept really well in a little porta-crib the hotel provided. And he LOVED the beach.  Here are a few pictures of all of us hanging out.

Since we had such an amazing beginning to the month, the rest of July has been awesome so far.  Ender has a lot of fun hanging with his lovely lady friend, Clara...

And eating dirt and playing in the crazy North Carolina rain storms....

 Last weekend, Josh watched Ender while all the Moxie wives and I went to an art class.  They basically take you through step-by-step and show you how to make a gorgeous painting.  It was SO much fun, and now I want to buy a bunch of canvas and play around!

Here is my picture about mid-way through the class.....                      And here it is on my wall :D

And here is everyone with their paintings!  We all had a blast :D

Okay, last but not least, Ender and I have to find ways to fill up our days without Joshy around, so we built a fort.  I had forgotten how much I LOVE fort building till now.

Well, that's the end for now. :D I love Ender, I love Josh, and I love my life!!